Monday, September 22, 2014

  • This commercial uses John Stamos to sell Oikos Greek yogurt as well as the two other men from full house
    This commercial is aimed to appeal to women
    This is an example of Pathos because it’s using sex to evoke certain feelings but also bringing in an element of humor
    This is an effective ad because people watching this will be moved by the characters in this commercial because it's like a full house reunion within the commercial.
    I really liked this commercial very cutting edge and funny. It also brings back nostalgia from when I used to watch full house as a child.
Beer Commercial
This commercial uses different visual effects and graphics to draw in customers
  • This commercial can be appealing to any adult
    This is an example of Logos because the company uses these visual effects to try and persuade customers to buy their products
    This is not an effective commercial because it just has excessive graphics and it gets annoying after a while
    I didn't like this commercial because there was no distinctive quality that would make me want to buy this product
  • This commercia uses all different types of people happily humming the "Happy and you now it" song as they use Heinz
  • This commercial is appealing to all individuals
  • This is and example of Pathos becasue it makes people happy
  • This is an effective commerical because people see other people who look like them beimg happy so they imagine themselves being happy
  • I like this commercial becasue it leave the viwer in high sprits

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